Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20

Kaliya missed the bus again today, so we had to drop her off to school. I woke up and looked at her. She was wearing a long, blue dress. She insisted that she wear a dress with the sneakers I bought her last night. It sooooo did not match, but that's what she wanted. When we came back from dropping her off, I took a shower and packed up my things to get ready to go back to the hospital. One of the nurses said that they had a washer and dryer for family members on the 8th floor. I packed up my laundry and brought it with me. 

Sou was already drowsy from his morning medications. I worked on my homework until it was lunch time. Once again, I ordered Sou's lunch and went down to the Plaza Cafe to get me some grub. Sou's fever had returned and his blood pressure was low again. He said he felt fine and couldn't even tell he had a fever. The nurse came and gave him some Tylenol.

A few more hours passed while Sou made some phone calls and I went online. He called his family down in California, my gramma, my dad and First Care. I had a short chit-chat with Kay, Mike and Jocelyn just to see how things were going at work. I wish I could be there to help because I know how things can turn crazy in a matter of seconds. After that, Sou decided that he wanted to go on one of his walks. He got dressed, and like usual, we headed to the elevators to hang out in the lounge. It was starting to get dark when we looked out the windows. You could see the highway in the distance.

"That's what you take when you go to mom's place," I told him. I also told him how I could probably drive there on my own and back to the hospital. But if I took one wrong turn, i'd be screwed. In a few weeks i'll probably be okay. We starred out the window for a few more minutes. A couple of guys went over to the elevators and waited for the next one. One of them started hacking a cough. If I remember correctly, there's signs posted on this floor that restrict anyone with respiratory illnesses. I grabbed a face mask and handed it to Sou. They had these stations set up around the floor with hand sanitizers, tissue and face masks. We continued down the hall a few minutes later and came across this hang out area for patients. It had some magazines, chess, a t.v. , and an elliptical. We looked out the window from that room, then Sou decided that he needed to go to the bathroom. When we returned to his room, he didn't feel like walking around. It was almost dinner time and once again I ordered his dinner. It usually takes 30-45 minutes for his meal to arrive so I figured that I would wait 15 minutes before I head down to the Plaza Cafe. 

I returned to his room with a chicken burger and onion rings. Sou immediately began sniffing the air while the nurse took his vitals. 

"I need some grease!" he said as he eyed my burger. I didn't mean to torture him, but I thought his food would have arrived by then. I offered a bite but he declined. He ended up eating some spinach and mushroom fettucini. I thought it LOOKED good. But he said it was horrible. Seems like nowadays things have been mellow around the hospital. Not so much IV fluids and blood draws. It's just the usual "pill-taking" around the clock with a little bit of chemo here and there. I'm thinking about making a run to Toys-R-Us to pick up some board games to keep us occupied. After all, my mom gets discount.

Sometime in the middle of the night, the nurse took the boyfriend's vitals again. He had an axillary temperature (under the arm) of 105F. Like always, Sou said he felt fine and couldn't tell that he had a fever. They asked me to leave the room for a minute because they wanted to get a chest x-ray. I walked down the hall as they rolled in a portable x-ray machine. A few minutes later I returned to his room. I propped his fan up on his bed next to him and the nurse gave him more Tylenol. 

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